
This blog is from just another person compelled to write, who is giving their Facebook friends a break.  It’s also my attempt to train myself to write in a way that is less all-consuming than the way my stories normally come out.

My primary goal is to write a set of short stories that will be called Shades of Blue. They will be stories about love.  Lost, found, joyful, or struggling.  I chose blue because of the association with sadness, and in American vernacular, a little dirty (like blue movies).

A friend asked why I am making each of these stories about love and sadness, since love is glorious and fun.  For me, love is glorious and fun, but contrasting the bitterness of loss and pain caused by love with the-sometimes/usually fleeting-sweetness of that love is what really heightens the sensation.  It’s not for everyone.

In addition, I will publish what I am calling The Greece Chronicles as my travels back home were part of the road back to writing, after about a 15-year absence.

Finally, there will some random thoughts about writing or whatever.

Whether you know me or not, I hope you will enjoy.

3 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. I’m So glad you are doing this. I’ve said more than once that you should harvest those FB posts and write a book! You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good for you that you get to express your feelings or someone else’s and put a little pizazz on it and we get to enjoy reading them, best of luck my friend


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